Sunday, 6 September 2015

what it really means to be rejected by a jury composed only by women?

This post starts a a therapeutic journal.
I have done previous attempts to write spontaneous thoughts on a sort of online journey but in this case I wanted it to be less about diaristic issues and more about a follow up on a series of Institutional rejections suffered by my work, or by me, who knows?

The drop that filled the anxiety and sadness felt about a series of rejections ( lets say that those rejections could start at school, when treated like Carrie by my fellow girl companions) that are all about me and my work produced since I started with my publication V.O.

I am not going to list here all this string of events that where all about dismissing me and my work.

Is just a way of introducing the issue giving it enough weight so that it its left clear why is it that one decides to study its own experience of been rejected as artist ( our work ).

Hamaca is an archive online based in Barcelona that collects archives artist moving image from Catalunya.

They struggle with economics and get to do calls for submissions every two or even three years.
The few years before this I had applied fro the first time to be considered and was rejected, I was surprised as I have considered the work submitted enough relevant and asked some one for its feedback. Seems that the fact that I had been too honest and told that the film was accompanied with live music made them ( the jury) feel that the film will be not on its real format ( as was an expanded film) to be archived.

I believe that this sort of issue is already an amazing one to be studied and contested urgently as well. For what happen to the many expanded films that exist if they can't be archived because they have not "the live element" within it?

Now I rather go straight to the case:
Hamaca called again for submissions this year ...

here is the brief :


Posted in Uncategorized by admin on the junio 10th, 2015
Tras las últimas ediciones  de 2008, 2011 y 2013, HAMACA y el Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía anuncian una nueva convocatoria pública para la recepción de vídeos que pasarán a formar parte del catálogo de videoarte y artes electrónicas de Hamaca.
Las piezas seleccionadas serán difundidas a nivel nacional e internacional  en bibliotecas y mediatecas. El objetivo de HAMACA reside en primer lugar en poder hacer llegar este tipo de trabajos a un gran número de personas o instituciones, para facilitar de esta forma su difusión y visionado, y, en segundo lugar, en multiplicar las posibilidades de producción para los artistas.
Estos vídeos también serán incluidos en la base de datos de la Biblioteca del  Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, para que puedan ser consultados con fines de investigación.
A continuación se detallan las condiciones de participación:
Cada autora/autor, de nacionalidad o residencia española, podrá presentar hasta un máximo de tres vídeos de cualquier fecha de producción. Las obras tienen que estar realizadas bien en castellano o bien en cualquier otro idioma, siempre que incluyan subtítulos en castellano.
Para presentarse a la convocatoria se debe enviar un mail a con los links de cada vídeo que se quiera presentar (un máximo de tres) y los passwords correspondientes si los vídeos estuvieran en privado.
En la descripción de cada pieza se deberá incluir la siguiente información:
0-Convocatoria Hamaca 2015.
1-Título del video.
2-Nombre del/de la autora/autor.
3-Sinopsis (máximo 100 palabras).
4-Link a los datos biográficos  de la autora/autor (en caso de no tener web, se puede adjuntar un pdf al mail de inscripción)
4-Datos de contacto del/la autora/autor (correo electrónico y número de teléfono).
A la recepción de este mail, el interesado recibirá una notificación de inscripción, con su correspondiente número de referencia. La inscripción es gratuita.
La convocatoria se mantendrá abierta entre el 10 de junio y el 10 de julio de 2015. Sólo se aceptarán aquellos e-mails cuyo envío no sea posterior al viernes 10 de julio -se tomará como referencia la fecha y la hora de su recepción -.
El comité de selección se reunirá a mediados de julio y estará formado por Cristina Cámara, conservadora de cine y vídeo en el Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS); Lucía Casani, directora del centro social y cultural La Casa Encendida;Marina Díaz, Técnica de cine y audiovisual en el Departamento de Cultura del Instituto Cervantes; y Virginia Torrente, comisaria independiente.
Toda la información correspondiente a la selección de los vídeos se hará pública en y se notificará por correo electrónico a los participantes.
Para cualquier duda, podéis poneros en contacto con la organización a través del siguiente correo electrónico:

My submission where two videos of which I am going to leave here a link.
Looking for the results happens that I was not selected.
( you can go online and see who did got selected and make up your mind) 
Why is it so painful this case? What it symbolises that disturbs me so deeply?
Why is even more painful that the jury were all women?
What is there that the fact that were all women makes this rejection so hurting and deceiving? 
What is it that one was hoping for? What kind of solidarity or recognition that evidently they ( the four women) did not need did not feel?
What it really means ( in terms of institutional canon) to have been rejected?
Is my work so bad?
Why is it not worth to be archived?

Maybe as it already happened with my publication V.O. it would need to be even more late in time to be recognised.
As just now my publications have been bought by MACBA in Barcelona for its archive of artist books and publications.

I really want to be forensic about this, I really need to know why.
I can't just seat down and shut up about it.
I am tired of this I am angry and think its unfair to not been considered worth.
Specially when I know that the two films had great feedback.

Lets see what happens next, and I will be posting as soon as more information comes this way. 

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