Sunday, 25 August 2013

Who am I ????

Who am I ? asked Nadja ,
Nadja , the spirit of guidance ..the Diotima of monsieur André Breton , the surreal ultimate real muse, Nadja is the predated Daemon of Guy Ernest Debord too , the Situacionist implementor .

Nadja is Derive and Drift ..and its also the anima of Charles Baudelaire talking to André , that even if polarised on his maleness found an Eve for his walkings around Le Paris he has given to us on his novella with the same name and title : Nadja

To be Nadja , is not to exist at all but also been a kind of female is when Esther enters centre stage .

To wander floating like and to not know who one is ..........Esther = Nadja

Nadja = you

you = Nadja

Djin = Nadja

decessed ghost of female Charles Baudelaire
post-Socratic Diotima
post- Platonic Wisdom

Foucauldian truth

This Female that is on permanent crisis .................
Because of her Ethereal existence ... her just been an image a channelling force .......
a male invention ....

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